Volume 13, #1 (Spring 2001)
- Supporting Restoration Projects
- Up In The Cab, pt 1
- Howe Scale Track plan
- Section Houses
- Murray Family Oral History
- Edwill Brown Remembers Action at Rutland
- Blocking #’s 51 & 52 at Shaftsbury
- Ogdensburg Photo Gallery
Volume 13, #2 (Summer 2001)
- Ogdensburg Convention Report
- Up In the Cab. pt 2: Modeling a Rutland 2-8-2
- VRS Named Locomotives
- R.W. Adams Oral History
- Danby Station
- Archives Report
- Rutland Flangers
- Milk Cars That Rode the Rutland
Volume 13, #3 (Fall 2001)
- Modeling Rutland 40 Series Cabooses
- Vermont Structural Steel
- Oral History on Gov. Keyser
- RS-1 #405 Celebrates 50th Birthday
- Milk Cars on the Rutland
- Edwill Brown Remembers
Volume 13, #4 (Winter 2001)
- Comeback of the Milk Train
- Real Clarendon & Pittsford
- Modeling the Bellows Falls Freight House : 1947 Freedom Train
- Floyd W. Moore Oral History
- Bellows Falls 1946-47