By no means yet a comprehensive list of every article published about the Rutland, the goal is to make it that list. If you know of an article published about the Rutland in magazines like Model Railroader, Trains, Railway Model Craftsman, Railway Age or any other magazine, send an email with the details.

Title: Author: Date Published: Magazine Name: Page(s):
Modeling the Rutland’s 70-tonner in O Scale Trevor Marshall October-November 2003 Railroad Model Craftsman
Modeling the Rutland’s 70-tonner in HO Scale Don Janes November 2008 Railroad Model Craftsman 46-51
Green Mountain Gateway Charles M. Wilson June 1957 Railroad Magazine 18-24
Rutland Gears Service to Sales and Stays in the Black Staff July 6, 1959 Railway Age 18-19

*Articles are ordered with most recently published first.